Current Newsletters
Important Computer Technology Updates for Cal Poly Retired Faculty and Staff
From time to time, the Retired Faculty and Staff Association will issue a special newsletter addressing important computer technology issues of concern and interest to Cal Poly retirees. If you have computer technology topics you would like to see addressed in future technology newsletters, email Joe Grimes, the RFSA University Technology Liaison, or call him at 805-540-0678.
Click here to read the inaugural issue, which you should have also received in the U.S. mail. Click here to read a more detailed version.
The RFSA Quarterly Newsletter
The RFSA Quarterly Newsletter, edited by Elaine Ramos Doyles, gives members the latest news as well as details on special programs. Email Elaine with your submissions.
The Newsletter is published electronically; the most recent issue is below. Dues are $20 annually or $250 lifetime. Lifetime dues help fund the Retired Faculty and Staff Centennial Scholarship Endowment.