Retired Faculty and Staff Association

RFSA offers Free Membership to All Retires

For the first time, Cal Poly Retired Faculty and Staff Association (RFSA) Offers Free Membership to All Retirees

Thanks to a very generous financial gift from one of our Association retirees who wishes to remain anonymous, the RFSA will no longer be charging annual membership dues.  It was the donor’s wish that all retirees be included in our Association in appreciation of their hard work and dedication that makes "Learn by Doing" possible for Cal Poly students. The financial gift will cover the Association’s operating expenses without the need to collect membership dues for years into the future.  All retirees from Cal Poly will hereby become automatic members of the RFSA.  A similar membership structure has been in place by the Cal Poly Alumni Association for many years.   

Retirees interested in supporting the Retired Faculty and Staff  Centennial Scholarship Endowment can continue to do so.  The scholarship endowment is managed by the Cal Poly Foundation and is sustained by market value gains, and contributions from retirees who previously wanted to become “life members” of the Association. In recent years the scholarship endowment has provided two $3,000 scholarships to worthy Cal Poly freshmen. 

Retirees who wish to support the Centennial Scholarship Endowment can continue to do so with a gift of any amount.  Retirees contributing $250 or more will be noted as a “Legacy Donor” in the Association’s membership records. Those interested in donating to the scholarship endowment can do so at the Association’s website-

Any questions about the new membership format, or about contributing any amount to the scholarship endowment can be directed to the Association’s President, Bill Kellogg.  He can be reached at

RFSA Free Membership

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